Tamias Nettle's Storytelling
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This blog is not a safe space. It presents ideas that may be triggering, disturbing, challenging or traumatic for some readers. If Tamias tried to provide a safe space for an unknown audience, its website would be boring and non-existent. Please take care of yourself.

The TL;DR on Trauma

TL;DR stands for "too long; didn't read." This is supposed to be a five-minute video for anyone who would have difficulty reading and understanding my thesis. At the moment, it's a written article with one diagram, and a seven-minute audio track. Continue reading...

My Thesis on Trauma

I'm calling this my thesis because it's a summary of what I want to share with the rest of humanity, distilled out of what I learned from several years of struggling to recover from my own trauma. It's not complete; I have handwritten notes on multiple sections that are missing from the current HTML version. I'm working on it. Continue reading...

The Evolution of Fragaria

Fragaria is my imaginary country. I've been working on its constitution off and on for several years, and I am very excited to share it. The current version is almost clear enough to type up and post, but not quite, as usual. In the meanwhile, here's a ramble about how Fragaria came to be what it is now. Continue reading...

Internal Sociocracy

In the fall of 2022, facing some difficult decisions, I started a practice I call Internal Sociocracy. I hold meetings of the "parts" of my psyche, using a meeting format and processes from sociocracy. Continue reading...

A World of Strangers

I self-identify as face-blind. There's nothing wrong with my vision, it's just that I can't recognize human faces. Continue reading...

If Life Is a Computer Game

This is a sequel to my essay on spiritual privilege, and it comes with the same content warning. I'm exploring an analogy that occurred to me as I was writing about spiritual privilege: My body is to the content on my screen as my awakened consciousness is to my human experience. Continue reading...

Writing Books

I'm writing children's books! I sent one to a publisher! I haven't heard back yet. Continue reading...

Walking in the Dark

I thought I might be in for a rough night. I've had difficulty sleeping for the last two nights, with no clear idea why.

A walk alone in the dark doesn't necessarily settle my nervous system, rather the opposite, but the exercise can still help me sleep. I chose to go darkwalking. Continue reading...

Spiritual Privilege

CONTENT WARNING: This blog post introduces concepts that may damage your relationships with yourself, your fellow humans and/or the universe you live in. Continue reading...

Factory School

Why is Tamias planning not to send Min to mainstream public school? Continue reading...

Zworb and Migi

Min and I use the words "zworb" and "migi" for the left and right sides of our bodies, respectively.
For directions in space beyond our bodies and clothing, we use left and right, or north, south, east and west.
(I'm transcribing my handwriting and I want to indicate which hand wrote which words, so I'm using italics for migi and non-italics for zworb.) Continue reading...

Free Range Memes

Why is it important to me to share my creative work under Creative Commons licenses? Continue reading...

Coming Soon

(This is how I hold myself accountable for publishing at least some of the essays I've started writing.)